Your taxes are a HUGE part of your financial life. The way they are prepared can affect you years from now. 

Your taxes need personalized attention; Attention TurboTax does not provide. 

For example, TurboTax does not ask you the right questions. While TurboTax may ask the question, “Did you buy a home this year?”; It doesn’t ask “Do you PLAN to buy a home this year?” 

The problem with TurboTax is they ask about what you DID and not what you PLAN TO DO. 

Do you plan on sending your kid to college? 

Do you plan on moving to a new city? 

Do you plan on buying a new home? 

Would you like to save more money this year? 

You know why they don’t ask? Because they don’t care. 

At Face To Face Taxes, we view tax preparing as a team effort. We take into consideration your future goals and plans. So, when it comes to preparing your taxes, do yourself a favor, Let Us Do IT! 

Start Here 

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